Monday, December 29, 2008

They Wont Let Women Jump

12:03 pm - I didn't get back to sleep this morning after Big E left. I laid on the couch about an hour, than gave up and got going for the day. I'm shopping in Saratoga. I went to Borders to pick up a book about traveling with your dog. Getting prepared for the trip home with C and Map. Anyhow the place was a zoo. I had to drive around the block twice before I was lucky enough to find a place to park.

5:13 pm - Puts me at the office moving money around. I got a bad call this afternoon from the accountant. It looks like we are going to owe a ton to the government. I consider this to be my fault as I didn't demand to pay quarterlies this year. Of course you'd think for how much we pay the accountant every year the would be able to figure things out. I've got the head home now. At least Big E loves me enough to have called and left a message to warn me that our parking area at home is very icy and I should be careful.

10:17 pm - C is not feeling good. This cold has really knocked him good. Little E went out for his Monday night with the cousins. Map is cuddled up with me on the couch. Hey did you know that they wont let women do the Ski Jump in the Winter Olympics. Did you know that women hold the longest distance in the Ski Jump. I guess women still have a long way to go baby.

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