Sunday, January 25, 2009

The End of Peace

9:00 am - Beautiful cold clear Sunday morning. To finish off a wonderful weekend I get to watch Sunday Morning on CBS with no one bothering me. They are talking about the rise of memories and I'm reading one right now, "Bayonet! Forward": My Civil War Reminiscences by Joshua L. Chamberlain. Just a reminder that this isn't a new kind of writing. After the shows over I'm going to run to Bennington and do some grocery shopping.

11:52 am - I just met the rarest of all beings in Bennington; a helpful clerk. I'm sorry to say I didn't get the kids name.

10:23 - Remember that damn hot tub. It attracts people. N P seem to going to crash here tonight, which is a good idea after the beer he's been drinking. Well so much for nice quite weekend, with the house being all mine.

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