Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day One Of Bordom

7:14 am I got up [feeling that sick something is wrong in the pit of my stomach feeling]

7:35 am published to my Civil War Blog

Breakfast - a slice of pizza with green peppers and pineapple [@ 8:17], .8oz bag of Blueberry Welch's Fruit n Yogurt [@ 9:14, 90 c]

What I'm reading right now Strange Fits of Passion: A Novel

Worked out and stretched to the 10's

Lunch at the Boathouse - nachos and ice tea $14.00 with the tip. [I ate to much and feel like crap]

12:34 pm - groceries @ Zups $ 28.47

2:30 pm - took the dog for a walk around town [she made a friend, and found windows]

8:00 pm - dinner alone of one pork chop, and a slice of fried bread. Just me and the dog waiting for C to get home from football.

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